Soft Craft Industrial and Commercial Services. Insulation, Scaffolding, Fireproofing, and Coating.
From concrete lightweight to epoxy intumescent applications
The term “fireproof” does not necessarily imply absolute immunity to burning: Instead, it relates to performance measured under specific testing and evaluation conditions. Fireproofing treatments do not allow treated items to be entirely unaffected by fire, as conventional materials are not immune to the effects of fire at a sufficient intensity and/or duration.
Industrial passive fire protection systems are designed to limit the spread of fire, protect structural integrity, and provide additional time for safe evacuation. These systems employ various materials and techniques to slow down the progression of fire and minimize its impact. Here is a general description of industrial passive fire protection systems:

Applying a certified fireproofing system to certain structures allows these to have a fire-resistance rating. Structural steel is the most commonly protected material in the industry, but fire protection can include other materials such as sheet metal, sheetrock, composite panels, and interior wood. Anything from pipe racks, vessel skirts, tank saddles, sphere legs, and concrete structures can be fireproofed at our shop or in the field. Structural items may be fireproofed and “blocked out” to minimize man-hours and accessibility in the field to complete the project. UROGAR CONTRACTORS excels in providing fire-stopping services that fall into those classifications.

Intumescent fireproofing is a type of passive fire protection system that relies on the expansion of special coatings when exposed to fire. These coatings are commonly referred to as intumescent coatings or paints. Here’s an overview of intumescent fireproofing:
Intumescent products are typically composed of several layers, including a primer, an intermediate coat, and a topcoat. The key component of these coatings is the intumescent layer, which undergoes a chemical reaction when exposed to heat.

Intumescent fireproofing coatings are widely used in various structures, including commercial buildings, industrial facilities, and public infrastructure. They offer an effective means of protecting structural elements, such as steel beams, columns, and other load-bearing components, by providing insulation and delaying the effects of fire.
Thin Film Application: Intumescent coatings are typically applied as thin films onto steel or other structural substrates. The thickness of the applied coating is carefully determined based on engineering calculations and the desired fire resistance rating.

Fireproofing cementitious applications refer to the use of cement-based materials as a passive fire protection measure. These applications involve the application of fireproofing coatings or sprays containing cementitious materials to structural elements, such as steel beams, columns, and concrete surfaces, to enhance their fire resistance.
Cementitious Fireproofing Materials: Cementitious fireproofing materials are typically mixtures of Portland cement, aggregates, fibers, and additives. These materials are formulated to withstand high temperatures, insulate against heat transfer, and provide a protective barrier during a fire.

Fireproofing cementitious applications are widely used in commercial, industrial, and residential buildings to enhance fire safety and protect structural elements. By providing a barrier against heat transfer, these applications help buy time for evacuation, reduce property damage, and increase the overall fire resistance of a structure.
Delivering HIGH-QUALITY services conforming to industry best practices.
Cementitious: Removal, repairs & sealing of fireproofing
Cementitious fireproofing products are pumped like concrete in a slurry, with air added at the nozzle to convey it onto the steel. Cementitious products provide long-term durability, high bond strength, excellent air erosion, and overall superior performance. This reliable technic provides a durable, efficient fireproofing solution that can be installed with minimal surface preparation requirements.

Firestopping Services Overview
During construction of commercial applications, many safety utilities and devices require penetrations through concrete walls, structures or substrates to reach varying locations throughout the project. This can often create areas where fire can spread by heat and fume leakage. Our firestop services can eliminate this scenario by blocking those openings with a fire-rated compound. Some of the areas that we protect are as follows:
Through Penetrations
Slab Edge & Curtain Walls
Acoustical Caulking
Fire Rated Jointsable Coatings

We have the experience and dedication to provide superior customer service and quality installation in almost every aspect of the industry, such as Mechanical, Plumbing, Electrical, Fire Protection & Sprinklers, Cable Trays, Telecommunication, Pass-through Devices, Composite Sheets. Your business operates in confidence that your assets are safe. Trust in the assurance of safety for your valuable assets, as we offer meticulous fire-stopping services that add an extra layer of protection. Partner with us and experience unmatched peace of mind.

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Houston, TX 77084
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